
Business Rates & Rate Scale for Persons with Disabilities

I charge $600/hour for most engagements. If you are a representative of a sophisticated business, whether a large, public company or a small to mid-sized private one, and you are hiring outside lawyers from firms like the one I came from, you are likely paying twice this amount for their time, even for lawyers who have half my years of experience.

For families of students with disabilities, I charge differently. I use a means-based rate scale, ranging from $100/hour to $500/hour based on the family’s self-reported financial means. I do this because I know from personal experience how overbearing the process of fighting for education rights can be. And when you add the expense of a lawyer on top of that, it can just be too much. But every student with disabilities is entitled to a FAPE – a free appropriate public education – and you should feel that your ability to retain legal services to fight for your student’s FAPE is within reach.